Room 155 Blegen Hall.
Zaidenweber will be sharing her story with students in History of the Holocaust course taught by visiting scholar Falko Schmieder. The talk will be open to the public to allow students, scholars, staff and interested individuals the opportunity to hear her speak about her experiences.
Zaidenweber was born Dora Eiger on January 24, 1924 in Radom, Poland. Dora and her family were sent to the Radom ghetto in 1941. She was transported to Auschwitz in July 1944 where she remained until January of 1945 when she was evacuated on a forced march to Betgen Belsen where she was liberated in April of 1945. She and her husband Jules settled in Minnesota in 1950.
Recently Dora and her family published her father's memoir Sky Tinged Red which is Isaia Eiger's chronicle of his two-and-a-half years as a prisoner in the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp during World War II.
More information about Dora and her family can be found by clicking here.