Minneapolis Federal Courthouse

"Lawyers Without Rights" tells the story of the fate of German Jewish lawyers, judges and prosecutors after Hitler came to power. The Exhibit explores Hitler's systematic and calculated strategy to disable the legal system and the constitutional framework of the Weimar Republic, setting the stage for the commission of unthinkable crimes against humanity.
Exhibition Schedule:
Oct. 21 - Nov. 4 Minneapolis Federal Courthouse
Nov. 4 - Nov. 9 Minnesota Judicial Center
Nov. 9 - Nov. 14 Duluth Federal Courthouse
Nov. 14 - Nov. 16 University of Minnesota School of Law
Nov. 17 - Nov. 20 IDS Center, Crystal Court
Nov. 21 Minneapolis Marriott, City Center
The exhibition is sponsored by the U.S. District Court, the Federal Bar Association Minnesota Chapter, the Jewish Community Relations Council of Minnesota and the Dakotas (JCRC), ), Justice David Stras of the Minnesota Supreme Court, the Cardozo Society, the Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, The Law School and the Center for Austrian Studies, the University of Minnesota.