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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Visual History Archive Subscription

The University of Minnesota Libraries have become subscribers to the Visual History Archive developed by the USC Shoah Foundation institute for Visual History and Education.

This is sometimes referred to as the "Shoah Project," or "Survivors of the Shoah" Project, or the "Spielberg Project," as the interviews with 52,000 survivors were conducted with profits from the film, "Schindler's List."
All 52,000 interviews are available from campus based computers, especially in the Wilson Library. There is a remarkable search engine that can pinpoint issues and items exactly where they are talked about on video tapes. While some tapes are archived locally, most must be ordered and it takes about 24-36 hours for them to be received online from University of Southern California.
Visit the Visual History Archive website for more information.
Susan Gangl
Librarian for philosophy, religion, and Jewish studies
180 Wilson Library
University of Minnesota
Phone: 612 626-2281
E-mail: s-gang@umn.edu