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Friday, January 28, 2011

NUREMBERG: Its Lesson for Today

Saturday, February 5
7:00 p.m. at the Lagoon Cinema
1320 Lagoon Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55408

Thumbnail image for Nuremberg.jpg

NUREMBERG: Its Lesson for Today (The Schulberg/Waletzky Restoration) features one of the greatest courtroom dramas in history. NUREMBERG shows how the international prosecutors built their case against the top Nazi war criminals using the Nazis' own films and records.

Following the documentary screening, a panel discussion will take place featuring Sandra Schulberg, Restoration Producer of the Documentary; Steve Hunegs, JCRC Executive Director; and Bruno Chaouat, Director of the Center for Holocaust & Genocide Studies, University of Minnesota.

The Nuremberg trial established the "Nuremberg principles" -- the foundation for all subsequent trials for war crimes and crimes against humanity. Though shown in Germany as part of the Allies' de-Nazification campaign, U.S. officials decided not to release NUREMBERG in America for political reasons, nor was it shown in any other country.

Over the years, the picture negative and sound elements were lost or destroyed. The restoration uses original audio from the trial, allowing you to hear the defendants' and prosecutors' voices for the first time. The film ends with Justice Robert H. Jackson's stirring words --"Let Nuremberg stand as a warning to all who plan and wage aggressive war"-- words that leap the decades and make NUREMBERG startlingly contemporary.
The special event screening is cosponsored by the Jewish Community Relations Council and the Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies at the University of Minnesota.
Tickets available by visiting the Lagoon Theater website or at the box office.
The Nuremberg Trials and their Legacy: USHMM Holocaust Encyclopedia
A Long-Forgotten Film on the Nuremberg Trials Helps Rekindle Interest in the Holocaust: ABA Journal

Holocaust Survivor Henry Oertelt, 90

Holocaust Survivor Henry Oertelt passed away yesterday, January 27 at the age of 90. He will be greatly missed.

"My message is what can happen if hate goes uncontrolled, you have to do everything in your power . . . to see that hatred will not exist anymore. If you absolutely have to hate - hate Hate!"

To learn more about Henry please visit his web page.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Holocaust and Genocide News

Monday, January 24, 2011

Killing Hrant Dink Twice
Rudaw in English
January 22, 2011

"I don't know why the Turks can't admit it, express sorrow and go on. That's the worst. You do all these things to the victim and then you say it never happened. That is killing them twice."

Read editorial in full

Yad Vashem wishes to educate Iran about Holocaust with Farsi YouTube channel
By Associated press
January 23, 2011

YouTube channel aims to educate Iranians about the Holocaust, as Iranian President Ahmadinejad reiterates his belief that the Holocaust is a myth.

Read full article

Foreign Policy: In Ivory Coast, A 'Genocide' Problem
January 24, 2011

Across the board, the rhetoric on the Ivory Coast is escalating. The West African economic community, ECOWAS, says it is set to intervene militarily to unseat should-be-outgoing President Laurent Gbagbo.

Read full editorial

Opinions expressed in articles posted do not necessarily reflect the view of CHGS but are essential to the ongoing conversation in regards to the study of the Holocaust and other genocides.

Friday, January 21, 2011

"Alternative Narratives or Denial?" Reading Discussion Group Talking Points now Available

The first meeting of the CHGS "Alternative narratives or Denial?" Reading Discussion Group was held on January 11th, 2011. The book discussed was Deborah Lipstadt's Denying the Holocaust: The Growing Assault on Truth.

Talking points and questions that were generated through the discussion are now available on the Reading Discussion Group blog.

Holocaust and Genocide News

Friday, January 21, 2011

Jewish groups push to find Holocaust mass graves
The Washington Post
By Kirsten Grieshaber
The Associated Press
Friday, January 21, 2011; 10:00 AM

BERLIN -- Jewish organizations launched a joint effort Friday to identify, protect and memorialize thousands of forgotten Holocaust mass graves across eastern Europe.

Read full article

High court declines case on genocide lessons
Armenian groups applaud decision
The Boston Globe
By David Abel
Globe Staff / January 21, 2011

The US Supreme Court declined yesterday to hear an appeal of a ruling that state public school guidelines can exclude materials disputing that the mass killing of Armenians in the early 20th century constituted genocide.

Read full article

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Middle East Studies Group Urges End to Suit Against U. of Minnesota

Inside Higher Ed
Quick Takes
January 19, 2011

The Middle East Studies Association is urging the Turkish Coalition of America to withdraw a lawsuit against the University of Minnesota over materials, since removed from the university's genocide studies website, calling a website of the Turkish group an "unreliable" source for information about the Armenian genocide, which most scholars say happened, and which the Turkish group questions.

In a letter to the coalition, the Middle East studies group said: "Your organization, and those who hold perspectives different from those expressed by scholars associated with the Center, certainly have the right to participate in open scholarly exchange on the history of the Armenians in the late Ottoman Empire or any other issue, by presenting their views at academic conferences, in the pages of peer-reviewed scholarly journals or by other means, thereby opening them up to debate and challenge. We are distressed that you instead chose to take legal action against the University of Minnesota and its Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, apparently for having at one point characterized views expressed on your website in a certain way. We fear that legal action of this kind may have a chilling effect on the ability of scholars and academic institutions to carry out their work freely and to have their work assessed on its merits, in conformity with standards and procedures long established in the world of scholarship. Your lawsuit may thus serve to stifle the free expression of ideas among scholars and academic institutions regarding the history of Armenians in the later Ottoman Empire, and thereby undermine the principles of academic freedom."
Bruce Fein, one of the lawyers for those suing the University of Minnesota (a group that includes a student there), rejected the criticisms from the Middle East scholars. Via e-mail, Fein said that "it is obvious that the letter writers never bothered to read the complaint.... The complaint explicitly renounces what the misinformed letter authors assert: that we are challenging the right of professors to voice their opinions about the reliability of web or other information sources. The complaint questions the authority of a state school to de facto prohibit students from visiting websites solely because of the viewpoint expressed and not for any bona fide educational purpose. If I were a teacher, I would give an F grade to the letter for failure of the writers to do their homework and egregiously misrepresenting the facts without even contacting the opposing side."
For more on "Unreliable Websites"

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Letter of Support in Response to "Unreliable Websites" from the Middle East Studies Association (MESA)

On November 30, 2010 The Turkish Coalition of America filed a lawsuit against the U of M, its President, and the director of CHGS Bruno Chaouat. The University of Minnesota filed a dismissal of the suit on December 17, 2010 and a hearing is scheduled for February 4, 2011. Below is a letter of support received from the Middle East Studies Association (MESA) in support of CHGS and the University.

The Middle East Studies Association (MESA) is a private, non-profit, non-political learned society that brings together scholars, educators and those interested in the study of the region from all over the world. From its inception in 1966 with 50 founding members, MESA has increased its membership to more than 3,000 and now serves as an umbrella organization for more than sixty institutional members and thirty-nine affiliated organizations.

The Middle East Studies Association (MESA) fosters the study of the Middle East, promotes high standards of scholarship and teaching, and encourages public understanding of the region and its peoples through programs, publications and services that enhance education, further intellectual exchange, recognize professional distinction, and defend academic freedom.

January 18, 2011

G. Lincoln McCurdy
President, Turkish Coalition of America
1025 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 1000
Washington, DC 20036

Dear Mr. McCurdy:

I write to you on behalf of the Middle East Studies Association of North America (MESA) and its Committee on Academic Freedom to express our grave concern about your decision to file a lawsuit in November 2010 against the University of Minnesota and its Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies. According to press reports, your lawsuit was prompted by the Center's listing of your organization's website as an "unreliable" source with respect to the history of Armenians in the final years of the Ottoman Empire.

MESA was founded in 1966 to promote scholarship and teaching on the Middle East and North Africa. The preeminent organization in the field, the Association publishes the International Journal of Middle East Studies and has nearly 3000 members worldwide. MESA is committed to ensuring academic freedom and freedom of expression, both within the region and in connection with the study of the region in North America and elsewhere.

Until recently, as part of its educational mission, the website of the University of Minnesota's Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies apparently included a section listing websites and web-based resources that scholars associated with the Center deemed to be "unreliable." Presumably, those scholars felt that assertions made on these websites and in these resources were not in keeping with accepted scholarly standards or the consensus among scholars and should therefore be treated with skepticism.

We believe that the principles of academic freedom protect the right of the Center, and of scholars associated with it, to share their assessment of various perspectives with the public in this way. In any event, that section of the website was removed several days before your organization filed suit.

Your organization, and those who hold perspectives different from those expressed by scholars associated with the Center, certainly have the right to participate in open scholarly exchange on the history of the Armenians in the late Ottoman Empire or any other issue, by presenting their views at academic conferences, in the pages of peer-reviewed scholarly journals or by other means, thereby opening them up to debate and challenge. We are distressed that you instead chose to take legal action against the University of Minnesota and its Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, apparently for having at one point characterized views expressed on your website in a certain way.

We fear that legal action of this kind may have a chilling effect on the ability of scholars and academic institutions to carry out their work freely and to have their work assessed on its merits, in conformity with standards and procedures long established in the world of scholarship. Your lawsuit may thus serve to stifle the free expression of ideas among scholars and academic institutions regarding the history of Armenians in the later Ottoman Empire, and thereby undermine the principles of academic freedom.

We do not believe that disagreements about historical issues should be addressed by lawsuits. We therefore call on you to reconsider and withdraw the legal action you have initiated against the University of Minnesota and its Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, and we urge you to instead devote your organization's energies to fostering scholarly debate and exchange on this as on all other issues, in a manner that conforms to the standards and procedures adhered to by scholars and academic institutions and that respects their academic freedom.


Suad Joseph
MESA President
Professor of Anthropology & Women's Studies, University of California, Davis

cc: Bruno Chaouat, Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, University of Minnesota

Original letter in (PDF)
Bruno Chaouat Response to "Unreliable Websites" November 30, 2010
For news and links about the lawsuit

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Palin's 'Blood Libel' Video Fans Flames

CHGS director Bruno Chaouat interviewed on Palin's use of the term "blood libel" on
Fox 9 News.
Updated: Wednesday, 12 Jan 2011, 9:46 PM CST
Published : Wednesday, 12 Jan 2011, 9:45 PM CST
by Maury Glover / FOX 9 News

MINNEAPOLIS - Since the Tucson shooting, pundits and politicians have been pointing fingers at everything from lax guns laws to political rhetoric . But the national war of words escalated Wednesday when Sarah Palin entered the fray with the term "blood libel."

The term blood libel isn't common in the United States - it was used mostly in Eastern Europe as a way of blaming Jews for the death of Jesus Christ. And Sarah Palin calling herself the victim of blood libel has upset some Jewish leaders.

In a nearly 8-minute video on her Facebook page, Palin said she is being persecuted by political commentators and the media in the wake of the Tucson shooting .
"Journalists and pundits should not manufacture a blood libel that severs only to incite the very violence it claims to condemn," Palin said.

Bruno Chouat, director of the Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies at the University of Minnesota, says the term blood libel refers to the false belief that Jews use the blood of Christian children for religious rituals, and has been used as an excuse for anti-Semitism since the Middle Ages.

Watch video and read the full article

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Conspiracy Theories, Anti-Semitism, and the Delegitimization of Israel

Abraham H. Foxman
National Director of the Anti-Defamation League
January 10, 2011 11:56 AM
The Huffington Post

We are living at a time when conspiracy theories are flourishing. Partly this is a product of the anxieties that suffuse civilization, about the economy, about terrorism, about global warming. Partly it is a product of the Internet, where conspiracies and rumors spread like wildfire and take on an aura of authenticity.

It is likewise not surprising that in this environment, conspiracy theories about Jews are surfacing and spreading in a way that we haven't witnessed for decades. Since at the very core of anti-Semitism as a phenomenon is a conspiracy theory writ large -- Jews are not what they seem to be but are a hidden, poisonous, powerful cabal -- when conspiracy theories are broadly popular they almost inevitably end up focusing on Jews.

We have seen this process at work regarding the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the war in Iraq and, more recently, the WikiLeaks phenomenon.
Some of the conspiracy accusations are so ludicrous -- for example, the charge coming out of Egypt that a shark attack was a Mossad plant -- that it raises the question as to when such things need to be taken seriously and when they should either be ignored or parodied.
The temptation to play down some of the more outrageous accusations is undermined by the experience with two of the most dangerous and enduring ones: the denial of the Holocaust and the charge that the Mossad was behind the 9/11 attacks.
When the first efforts appeared in the 1970s to argue that the Holocaust was a fantasy concocted by Jews for a variety of nefarious purposes, the initial reaction was: who will pay attention to such nonsense? After all, even by then there were scores of books writing in detail about the horror, not to mention the Nuremberg and Eichmann trials and a variety of other documentations. And yet today,Holocaust denial has developed a life of its own, particularly in the Arab and Muslim world, but not limited to it. As absurd as the arguments by the deniers are, there is a market for such absurdities, whether to prove that Jews control all information in the world and can therefore get everyone to believe whatever they want; or to rehabilitate extreme right-wing parties who have been delegitimized by the Holocaust; or to show that the Jewish state has no moral justification. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is hardly alone in spouting these lies. Recently, a leading Hamas official, Mahmoud al-Zahar, shamelessly said that it is a "lie" that the Jews were victims of the Holocaust.
Similarly with regard to the 9/11 theory: When six days after the terrorist attack, Hizbullah television put out a short "news" item that 4,000 Israelis were working at the World Trade Center and none showed up for work that day, no one could have imagined how such a bold-faced fabrication would take off. After all, Israelis and Jews were among the nearly 3,000 who died that day, and Osama Bin Laden had taken credit for the attack, so who could believe that Israel was behind it all, as Hizbullah implied.
And yet, according to a Gallup poll more than a year after the event, millions of people in nine Muslim countries believed that it was Israel, not Al Qaeda, that was behind it all. This notion also continues to surface in Europe and elsewhere.
In the final analysis, while we don't have the luxury to dismiss any of these phony accusations, we need to distinguish those that are most dangerous from the others. None, in my view, is more threatening than the charge that Jews control American policy, particularly regarding the Middle East.
This notion, most prominently expressed by Professors John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, is in today's world the one that resonates the most, appears both in extremist and mainstream venues all over the world, and has the greatest impact on attitudes and policies toward the state of Israel and the Jewish people.
Here too, like other such theories, it is far more fantasy than a description of reality. As Edward S. Walker, a longtime State Department hand and former U.S. Ambassador to Egypt and Israel, put it, from the vantage point of decades of work in government on Middle East issues, he could not recognize how policy was actually made from the description of it by Mearsheimer and Walt.
The repeated pounding away of this message -- by the professors, by former President Jimmy Carter, by many left-wing and Muslim anti-Israel advocates in Europe, by Middle Eastern government officials, editorialists and cartoonists -- poses a threat to Jewish communities, to Israel's relations around the world, and to a rational approach to foreign policy decision-making. Much like the mother of all anti-Jewish conspiracy theories, The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, if Jews have so much evil power, then anything one does to defend oneself against it is legitimate.
What to do about this proliferation of anti-Semitic theories? We must expose them for what they are. We must get good people, particularly non-Jews, to stand up. And we must deal rationally and responsibly with those global issues which create the anxiety that acts as a tail wind moving these dangerous fantasies swiftly through society.
Abraham H. Foxman,National Director of the Anti-Defamation League
Opinions expressed in articles posted do not necessarily reflect the view of CHGS but are pertinent to the debate that we at the Center are fostering.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Holocaust survivor Reidar Dittmann, 88

The St. Olaf professor, a well-traveled Norwegian, helped to develop study programs across the globe.

January 4, 2011

Every day, Reidar Dittmann would whip through a crossword puzzle to unwind. Then he'd complete Isaac Asimov's Super Quiz in the newspaper with his wife of nearly 60 years, Chrisma. The daily puzzles were about the only time Dittmann spared to sit still, but he had to keep his mind sharp just to keep pace with his legs.

"He was a larger-than-life dad in some ways -- always so busy, working on campus or traveling," Lisa Dittmann said of her father, a longtime professor at St. Olaf College in Northfield. "He had a steel-trap mind and could recite historical dates, royal empires ... even in the hospital and on morphine, he'd be lecturing us about the Danish kings."

Dittmann died Dec. 29 in hospice care after a brief struggle with renal failure. He was 88.
Perhaps Dittmann's restlessness grew out of his incarceration at Buchenwald concentration camp during World War II. In 1944, after being arrested on a few occasions for being a part of the Nazi resistance movement in Norway, Dittmann, a Norwegian, was taken to the camp and subjected to Nazi propaganda, interrogation and brainwashing.
None of it worked.
"He just knew it was all wrong," his daughter said. "He didn't believe in the marginalizing of any group of people for any reason."
Dittmann would later use his experience to become a prolific speaker on the dangers of fascism. His story is documented in a short film by Gayle Knutson, "Prisoner 32,232," for the Minnesota Historical Society's Minnesota's Greatest Generation project.
After the war, Dittmann came to Northfield to study on a scholarship offered by St. Olaf College for Norwegian students whose education had been interrupted by the war. While studying music, Dittmann met and married Chrisma Skoien of Chippewa Falls, Wis. The couple spent two years teaching high school in Ethiopia, where their oldest son, Reidar Jr., was born.
The couple returned to Northfield, where they raised four additional children. Throughout the years, Dittmann taught Norwegian, German and Scandinavian civilization classes at St. Olaf College. He was passionate about travel and eager to bring international learning experiences to his students. He was instrumental in developing study programs in Europe, the Far East and across the globe in the 1950s and 1960s.
Dittmann retired in 1993, but continued traveling, often as an alumni tour guide, to Norway, Italy and other parts of Europe. His wife died three years ago.
In addition to his daughter Lisa, he is survived by two sons, Reidar Jr. of Vashon Island, Wash., and Rolf of Stillwater; two other daughters, Kristin Dittmann of Maple Grove and Solveig Dittmann of Oakdale; two brothers, Sigurd Dittmann of Oslo, Norway, and Erling Dittmann of Tonsberg, Norway, and six grandchildren.
A memorial service will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday at St. John's Lutheran Church in Northfield.
Aimée Blanchette • 612-673-1715
For more about Reidar Dittman's work and life visit his CHGS web page.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Holocaust and Genocide Articles

The Peto thesis is, at best, an extended opinion piece
By Karen Mock, James Morton and Howard Tenenbaum
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
The Canadian Jewish News

We have carefully read Jennifer Peto's controversial master's thesis, The Victimhood of the Powerful: White Jews, Zionism and the Racism of Hegemonic Holocaust Education.

After considerable thought and discussion, we have concluded the thesis is a profoundly problematic and flawed document.

Read full commentary

Film Critics David Denby and Roger Ebert take another look at
Claude Lanzmann's "Shoah"

"Shoah" and a new view of history.
by David Denby
January 10, 2011
The New Yorker

Full article

"There is no proper response to this film."
By Roger Ebert
Full article