9:00a.m. to 5:00p.m.
The Story of a Fight Against Human Trafficking in Argentina
Susana Trimarco - Activist against Human Trafficking in Argentina
Thursday, October 24, 3:30p.m.
Maroon and Gold Rooms, McNamara Alumni Center

The symposium will address violence against women as a human rights violation, the erasure of gender violence in cultural debates about human rights, and the epistemic revolts of the rethinking of violence from a gender perspective.
Thirteen national and international scholars will address the most crucial human rights struggles that are taking place in the juridical scenario, as well as the cultural practices that form part of the struggles against the invisibility and the silence about gendered forms of violence. The presentations will also underscore the importance of addressing these forms of sexual violence, and disappearance, campaigns to stop violence, national and international gatherings focusing on women and human rights issues, documentaries and testimonial literature, films, literature, art, performance, video-installations, telenovelas, murals, and arte callejero.
The Story of a Fight Against Human Trafficking in Argentina
Susana Trimarco - Activist against Human Trafficking in Argentina
After the disappearance of her daughter, Marita, Susana began her career as an investigator, uncovering a chilling criminal network of human trafficking. In the search for her daughter, she has managed to free more than a hundred victims. On Oct. 19, 2007, she founded the Fundación María de los Ángeles, through which she continues to help eradicate human trafficking in Argentina.
To see the complete schedule click programa ERASURES 1 (1).pdf.
For more information on the symposium and speaker please contact Ana Forcinito at 612-625-5858.
Sponsored by: The Department of Spanish & Portuguese, College of Liberal Arts, Human Rights Program, Sociology, Center for Holocaust & Genocide Studies, German, Scandinavian & Dutch, Institute for Global Studies, Institute for Advanced Study, Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies, Anthropology, English, Journalism and Mass Communication, Interdisciplinary Center for the Study of Global Change (ICGC), Philosophy, Human Rights Center, Writing Studies, Humphrey School of Public Affairs, The Center on Women and Public Policy at the Humphrey School of Public Affairs, Institute of Linguistics, Global Studies, Institute for Advanced Study, Cultural Studies & Comparative Literature