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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Minnesota Children of Holocaust Survivors Group Seeking New Members

CHAIM (Children of Holocaust Survivors Association of Minnesota) is seeking individuals who are second and third generation Holocaust survivors.

Founded in 2000, the group is committed to the preservation and passing on of their families' stories. Over the years members have participated in planning the annual Yom HaShoah commemoration, spoken to schools and religious organizations, and have participated in public programming aimed at educating individuals about the Holocaust.
Currently, the group meets once a month for private gatherings to share their families stories while viewing films, hosting speakers and other special guests.

The group is currently reaching out to other second and third generation individuals who may be unaware of the group, and who might be interested in joining in order to connect with the survivor community and to receive notices about programming or other related information.

"As we contemplate a future without the first witnesses to the Holocaust, we begin to think about how the third and fourth generation will embrace their grandparents' and great-grandparents' legacies, and pass them down not only to their own families, but to others in and outside the Jewish community," said Gloria Fredkove, newly-appointed chair of CHAIM. "We want to be sure that other second and third generation individuals in Minnesota know that there is a group of people who they can share their experiences with and if they are inclined, we can help them to pass on their family stories to others."
There are no membership fees and everyone is welcome. The group is committed to education and camaraderie. If you are interested in becoming a member or receiving more information about the group, please email Gloria Fredkove at gfredkove@yahoo.com.