St. Anthony Main Theater 115 Main St SE
$6.00 student/senior
$8.50 general admission
Post-show discussion moderated by Bruno Chaouat, Director CHGS
In 1942, the Nazi propaganda machine was hard at work. 70 years later, the deceit is finally unmasked.
At the end of WWII, 60 minutes of raw film, having sat undisturbed in an East German archive, was discovered. Shot by the Nazis in Warsaw in May 1942, and labeled simply "Ghetto," this footage quickly became a resource for historians seeking an authentic record of the Warsaw Ghetto. However, the later discovery of a long-missing reel, inclusive of multiple takes and cameraman staging scenes, complicated earlier readings of the footage.
"A Fim Unfinished" is one of the most uncanny documentary movies about Nazi nihilism, said Bruno Chaouat, director for the center. "It confronts the viewer with the abyss of cynicism into which totalitarianism had immersed Europe. One of the most critical reflection on the visual archive, "A Film Unfinished" is as close as it gets to visual thought."
A Film Unfinished, presents the raw footage in its entirety, carefully noting fictionalized sequences (including a staged dinner party) falsely showing "the good life" enjoyed by Jewish urbanites, and probes deep into the making of a now-infamous Nazi propaganda film.
Sponsored by: The Film Society of Minneapolis/St. Paul and the Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies