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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Time runs out on US Armenian genocide resolution

The Associated Press
Wednesday, December 22, 2010; 7:46 PM

WASHINGTON -- U.S. lawmakers have avoided a diplomatic clash with important ally Turkey by deciding not to take up a resolution declaring the mass killings of Armenians early last century a genocide.

Supporters of the resolution made a push for approval in the final days of Congress, despite opposition from the Obama administration.
The measure was strongly opposed by Turkey and the administration feared it would have damaged relations with the NATO ally.
The House of Representatives ended its two-year term Wednesday without taking up the matter. It is unlikely to be passed when Republicans take control of the chamber in January because the new House speaker, John Boehner, opposes it.
Learn more about the Armenian Genocide by visiting the CHGS Armenian Genocide web page.
Watch the award-winning and Emmy-nominated television production "The Armenian Genocide: 90Years Later," produced by CHGS and Twin Cities Public Television on the TPT Video Vault. You may also access the link by visiting the CHGS Armenian Genocide or Web Links pages.