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Monday, April 30, 2012

Nazi Persecution of Homosexuals 1933-1945 Exhibition

April 2-May 11, 2012
2nd/3rd Floor Gallery, Elmer L. Andersen Library

Nazi Germany sought domination over Europe, initiating the annihilation of Europe's Jews in what is now called the Holocaust. As part of its effort to create a "master Aryan race," the Nazi government persecuted other groups, including Germany's homosexual men. Reproductions of some 250 historic photographs and documents from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum examine the Nazi regime's attempt to eradicate homosexuality, terrorizing men into social conformity, leaving thousands dead and shattering the lives of many more.
The University of Minnesota Libraries' Archives and Special Collections provide additional insight into this period of persecution with historical materials held in Elmer L. Andersen Library.
To learn more about Nazi Persecution of Homosexuals or other groups please visit the CHGS Victim Groups web page.
For more information on the exhibition, programming and docent lead tours please click here. Dale Carpenter Two Pager (1).pdf
Nazi persecution of Homosexuals exhibition is presented by the Jewish Community Relations Council.
Co-sponsors: The University of Minnesota, Libraries Archives & Special Collections, Human Rights and Relations Commission, the Immigration History Research Center, the Center for Holocaust &Genocide Studies, Out Front Minnesota, glbta online high school and Tolerance Minnesota.